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Begin to Reclaim the Life You Were Meant to Live
Hi, I'm guessing you're here because you relate to the below picture or have heard I work with adults who have experienced severe childhood trauma. The below picture touches me because it captures a feeling that I find very difficult to put into words. An angelic being arrives in this earthly world and then is treated in ways that are difficult to comprehend for the child as well as for me. If you are one of those beings, perhaps still struggling to come to terms with what happened, I welcome you to come check me out. I help folks with histories like this begin to reclaim the life they were meant to live.

If you want to check me out more online here, please peruse the site by using the menu on the left or the one above. I've included pictures and information about me that I hope will give you a better sense if I am the therapist you want to work with. Your choice of therapist is an important one because good therapeutic outcomes are highly correlated to the therapeutic relationship. I also give some information on some of the difficulties as an adult that can come from severe childhood trauma. What's optimistic about childhood trauma is that it is very treatable, and, with the proper treatment and the right therapist, good outcomes can generally be obtained.